What Can Financial Coaching/ Counseling Do For You?
Financial counselors teach their clients practical skills and techniques about how to manage their money on a daily basis. Clients learn to plan ahead, deal with daily money decisions, and generate solutions to reach financial goals.
Life coaches are trained to listen, ask questions, encourage, and challenge their clients. A coaching approach is exciting because it builds the clients confidence in her/his own strengths, ideas and solutions.
Financial coaching combines these two powerful processes to teach and guide clients as they learn to make conscious choices about their financial lives and develop a plan of action to improve their financial well being.

My financial coaching practice integrates financial counseling and life coaching techniques into a holistic process that guides you in developing a personal money management system that works specifically for you.
You will learn the skills to manage the money that is flowing in and out of your life on a daily basis. You will understand your money personality and how it affects the way you think about and handle money. You will explore ideas of what you truly want for your life, and receive the on-going support necessary to change what isn’t working for you, into a system that maximizes your strengths and life vision.
You and I will work together as a team. My job is to develop your ability to use your own financial power to reach your life goals. It’s simple, but not always easy. It’s exciting and often challenging.
We work on practical skills such as:
- building a spending plan
- developing a system to organize home finances and bill paying
- finding money to save and set aside
- understanding your brokerage statements
- planning how to handle a sudden large sum of money
- reducing debt
- defining what you need and want for retirement
We look at the money beliefs and messages that drive how you work with money such as:
- "No matter what I have and how much I earn, it could all disappear tomorrow."
- "You have to work really hard to get money. I never have any real fun with it. Life is hard."
- "Money is the root of all evil."
- "You can have it all!"
- "Whoever has the most toys, wins."
- "If I focus too much on money, I’ll lose my sense of spirituality and concern for others."
- "I’m not good with numbers; so how could I ever take care of a lot of money, or handle that kind of responsibility?"
As we notice your attitudes and beliefs, you realize how they drive the way you use money. You then can decide if those beliefs are useful anymore. You can’t change the past, but you can choose your future.
—all these skills and more teach you to harness your own strengths, let go of your money habits don’t work, build up the habits that do work, and put you in charge of your money life.
The process of financial coaching/ counseling has helped hundreds of people gain financial peace of mind that they never dreamed was possible.
“I cannot express in words how much I appreciate your help, patience, understanding and expertise. You have helped shed light on a part of my life that has haunted me for too many years.”
EJ, massage therapist

"Nancy Deren masterfully led me through the stages of financial empowerment. She taught me to work on two levels - always keeping my spirit grounded in the big vision for my life while also staying focused on the small steps necessary for progress. Nancy brought many skills and resources to our work, but her commitment to me and her compassion for the places where I struggle made all the difference."
JM, consultant

“Not only am I financially more secure because of our work together, but I
am beginning to see things and myself in a more positive, less fearful way.“
JD, professor

"I honestly believe you have given me the power to recreate my financial
life and to not live in fear. This is not to say that there will not be
rough spots and that things may not fall through at the last minute.
Whatever happens, I know that I have the ability to survive, and even
thrive, with the money that I have."
SM professor, researcher
